Property Lawyer / Rent Cases
The Pakistan Law Commission has taken notice of the fact that there is a general complaint about unusual delays in dealing with rent cases and the implementation of the orders of the courts approved in these cases. On the one hand there are some tenants who are interested in retaining control over the rental premises and, for that purpose, exploit the loop holes of the method of renting to extend the litigation, on the other hand, Some landlords, in order to get the maximum rent, try to evict the tenant one after another with the intention of increasing the premises for each premises.
2. The Law Commission has set up a special committee to examine and amend rental rules so that they can protect the interests of tenants as well as tenants, and also propose ways and means for streamlining rent laws, provinces of the country.
3. In this regard, the special committee held several meetings, and a press note also sought advice from the general public. A large number of individuals and organizations submitted their proposals to the Committee and reviewed them in detail. The Committee held that in addition to regulatory restrictions in the rent rules, the absence of judicial officers was also a major reason for delays in procurement of rent matters. Therefore, amending the rent rules is also taking into consideration the fact that there should be sufficient judicial manpower to govern these laws.
4. The central defect in the Committee’s opinion is on the administrative side. The data submitted in this regard shows that it takes about 2 to 3-1 / 2 years in the rent controller’s court in case of rent. It took about 8 to 10 months before the Appellate Court (District Judge) and when the second appeal before the High Court was eligible for review, it took about 7 or 8 years.
5. Provisions for rent restrictions in the provinces were created to control the relationship between the landlord and the tenant for the benefit of both parties. Although they protect a tenant and secure their tenancy by not allowing the landlord to evacuate, they also protect the landlord, as they provide a faster treatment. , Which may be responsible for the tenant. Extract. Clearly, these are the basics:
(i) Default in payment of rent;
(ii) Subletting the building without permission of the landlord;
(iii) Putting it to a use different from the one for which it was leased out, without the permission of the landlord;
(iv) Causing damage to the building or impairing its value or utility;
(v) Making any unauthorized construction thereon i.e. without landlord’s permission;
(vi) When the owner needs the premises genuinely for his own use or for the use of his wife and children, and
(vii) When the house in question is to be demolished for reconstruction.
The tenant is also extremely secure because the landlord cannot raise the rent and can not afford the residential facilities such as his own. Water, gas, electricity, etc., and, if he / she does so, the tenant may consult the rent controller for appropriate relief.
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