Best Lawyer in Lahore;

A lawyer is a person who practices law as an advocate or attorney, also prepare, interpret and apply law in given legal issues.

Defination of Lawyer According to Cambridge Dictionary;

“Someone whose job is to give advice to people about the law and speak for them in court.”

Working as a lawyer requires the practical application of legal theories and knowledge to solve specific given problems, or to defend the interests of person or entity who hire lawyers to perform legal services. The role of the lawyer varies according to the situation of client, For example, some clients need a Family lawyer, some other need civil or criminal lawyer.

Types Of Lawyers

There are Different Types of lawyers, some of them are listed below;

  • Family Lawyer
  • Civil litigation Lawyer
  • Criminal litigation Lawyer
  • Tax Consultants/ Lawyer
  • Immigration Lawyer
  • Corporate Lawyer
  • Banking Lawyer
  • Intellectual property Lawyer
  • Labour Lawyer
  • Contract Lawyer

Family Lawyer

Family lawyer mainly Deals in following cases;

1.Maintenance of wife.
2.Maintenance of children.
3.Recovery of Dower Amount (Haq Mahr).
4.Recovery of Dowery Articles (saman-jahez).
5.Custody of children.
6.Guardian certificate.
7.The succession certificate.
8.Khulla through court
9.Divorce / Talaq
10.Court Marriage.
11.Restitution of Conjugal Rights.

Read more about Family Lawyer;

Read More about child custody Lawyer;

Read More about Divorce Lawyer;

Read More About Succession Certificate;

Civil Litigation Lawyer

Civil litigation lawyer mainly deals in following cases;

  1. Property related issues.
  2. Issues relating to Inheritance law.
  3. Drafting of Agreements
  4. Prepration of Legal Notice
  5. Consumer Rights Protection
  6. Litigation regarding civil nature of WAPDA, GAS, OIL and other related companies.

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Criminal Litigation Lawyer

Criminal litigation Lawyer mainly deals in following cases;

  1. Pre-arrest Bails
  2. Post-arrest Bails
  3. Registration of FIR’s
  4. Criminal Trials
  5. Writs of illegal Detention

Read More about Criminal litigation Lawyer;

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Tax Lawyer

Tax Lawyer mainly deals in Following Matters;

  1. Registration of NTN
  2. Registration of STN
  3. Filing of Tax Returns 

Read More about Tax Lawyer;

Immigration Lawyer

Immigration Lawyer mostly deals in immigration consultations, provide services relating to;

  1. Visas Documents
  2. Immigration 
  3. Asylum

” Best Lawyer in Lahore “

Corporate Lawyer

Corporate sector Lawyer mainly deals in matters relating to Companies, it includes affairs of companies like, formation of Private Company, Single Member Company, Public Limited Company, Cooperative Society and like.

” Best Lawyer In Lahore “

Banking Lawyer

Banking Lawyer deals with matters regarding banks litigation.There are two types of banking courts;

  • Banking Courts
  • Banking Crime Courts

Both courts deals with cases relating to banks, first one deals cases of civil nature regarding banks and second one deals crimes of banking sector. Usualy Criminal Lawyer deals with banking crime court cases while civil lawyer deals in civil side of banking cases.

Intellectual Property Lawyer

Intellectual property lawyer is a specialist in advising his clients in matters relating to intellectual property, commonly IP Lawyer deals with following;

  1. Patents 
  2. Copyright
  3. Trademark
  4. Industry Design
  5. Trade Secrets 

Labour Lawyer

Labour Lawyer deals in labour related cases, Labour cases includes;

  1. Firing of employees
  2. Low selery
  3. Descrimination among employees 
  4. Employees Benefits

There are two types of labour courts in pakistan;

  1. Minimum Wages Authority
  2. Labour Tribunal

Contract Lawyer

In Pakistan, civil lawyer works as contract lawyer, Contract Lawyer mostly works relating to drafting of contracts, commonly Rent Deed, agreement to sell and  Registered Sale deed are known contracts in Pakistan. There are also many other types of contracts which are used in companies and government as well as private organizations. There are Three types of agreements;

  1. Valid Agreements 
  2. Void Agreements 
  3. Voidable Agreements

Read more about contract Lawyer and common contracts;

“Best Lawyer in Lahore”